2017 Louisiana Collaborative Leadership Coordinators
Annette Brown, Ursula Smith, Lesia Smith, Rutha Hamilton, & Sheena Coleman
Treasurer: Betty W. Preston
Annette Brown, Ursula Smith, Lesia Smith, Rutha Hamilton, & Sheena Coleman
Treasurer: Betty W. Preston

Family members came from various towns in Louisiana and various states as far West as Cali, TX, and from the Midwest covering MI, IL, & IN. They traveled from the Southeast such as GA, FL to the place where our great family involuntarily settled. Our family was forced to come to the “so called new world” from the shores of West Africa. They were sold into slavery and involuntarily ended up in Pattersonville, LA now called Patterson, or P-Town.
Our Elmore lineage or pedigree goes back presently to Samuel & Chaney Elmore who were born in 1798 and 1800, respectively per 1870 census records. Their names are all proudly listed on our family logo and on our step and repeat banner. These are people you should know.
Our time together began with a Welcome extended by our Hospitality and Welcome Team lead by Coordinator Rutha Hamilton along with Coordinator, Sheena Coleman at the Reunion Host Hotel, LaQuinta Suites. From there, we gathered at the Patterson Civic Center. Everyone received a group welcome by our five Louisiana Collaborative Leadership Coordinators: Annette Brown, Sheena Coleman, Rutha Hamilton, Lesia Smith and Ursula Smith. Rutha Hamilton opened our Reunion with prayer. We were then served a healthy helping of food by our family members lead by Coordinator, Annette Brown. This followed by acknowledging the oldest of the Elmore Family, and oldest Patriarch, Paul L. Wilson, Sr at 92. Next, we recognized the oldest Matriarch Emily “Baby Lou” Perry Augman at 91. They were each given a certificate for their respective honor & and a plaque. Paul L. Wilson, Sr. our oldest, however, was not present. He had been in the hospital all that week and was released on Friday night. He really wanted to attend as he was looking forward to seeing “his people”. Accepting on his behalf were 5 of his 8 offsprings.
Our elders 70 and over were then recognized and honored by providing each with a certificate. Next, we recognized and honored our youth those ”Moving on” from one grade to the next, high school graduates, and college graduates. One of our students, Ayanya Brown, was acknowledged for studying abroad.
We had our Talent Show this reunion year adding in a Fashion piece. Everyone displayed their talents in both areas. The highlight of the Fashion Show was our youngest, Legend who showed us how it’s done!
Everyone was asked to interact with our oldest Patriarch (absence) and oldest matriarch especially during our connecting Hour or Happy Hour. Continuing this reunion year was Venus Hicks “Family Finger Print Tree”. The recipient of which was Treasurer, Betty W. Preston. New this year was Sheena Coleman’s idea for a “Memorial Family Tree” which Venus created with her creative skills. And, a Step & Repeat Banner with Red Carpet and an Activity Booklet based on the Elmore Family History. We had our traditional Parade of Branches this time by state to the tune of “We are Family” .
On Saturday, we continued the tradition of touring the Aviation Museum followed by our “Indoor Picnic” where there was line dancing for all age groups, jump rope, dominoes, cards and of course the jumping tent. Our young people showed their dance madd skills with the Nae Nae. Venus was over the Activities area and had something for every age group. On Sat. we experience and indoor picnic away from the heat and humidity.
There was another group who were outside playing horse shoes (in the heat!). Val Simmons was the designated family photographer/paparazzi, yet everyone who had a phone was shooting pictures and posting to FaceBook. New was adding the hastag of the #2017 Elmore Reunion on FaceBook. A new family find, Ron Green did individual interviews of various family members as a keepsake.

Thanks to the creative abilities and love for family, our Table Décor was done by "Coordinator Lesia Smith” . They were simply amazingly, beautiful and original. Note: These decorations are part of the memorabilia as family members are invited to take them home after the Friday event.
"Boot-shaped Tea Cakes" were the highlight of our memorabilia bag. Coordinator Ursula Smith showed us how's it's done in the Elmore tradition at our 2017 Reunion. We were in the "Boot-Shaped State of LA" enjoying "Boot-Shaped Tea Cakes". They came with lots of love and a reminder of fond childhood memories. Thanks Cousin Ursula for that novel idea! She got some madd baking skills.
"Boot-shaped Tea Cakes" were the highlight of our memorabilia bag. Coordinator Ursula Smith showed us how's it's done in the Elmore tradition at our 2017 Reunion. We were in the "Boot-Shaped State of LA" enjoying "Boot-Shaped Tea Cakes". They came with lots of love and a reminder of fond childhood memories. Thanks Cousin Ursula for that novel idea! She got some madd baking skills.